Approval Photographies/Filming

Consent for Photographs / Filming


futureSAX - the innovation platform of the Free State of Saxony - is the main contact partner in Saxony's start-up and innovation ecosystem with the goal of making the innovation actors and the innovation country visible. Through a variety of measures, futureSAX sets growth impulses for sustainable innovations, networks innovators from business, and science across industries and increases the efficiency of innovation processes.

In order to present our activities, we would like to take photos and video recordings of the people participating in our various events and publish them in the various futureSAX channels and print media for press and public relations purposes.

I agree that the photos and video recordings of the above-mentioned person may be used for futureSAX's press and public relations purposes without mentioning their name.

My declaration of consent explicitly includes the publication of the recordings on the websites of futureSAX, on futureSAX profiles in social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, XING and YouTube) in print media published by futureSAX without any restrictions in terms of time, space, media, and content. If the recordings contain references to ethnic origin, religion, or health, the declaration of consent also refers to this information in the context of the above-mentioned use.

The granting of consent is voluntary. A granted consent can be revoked in writing at any time - in whole or in part - with effect for the future. No disadvantages arise from the refusal of consent or revocation.

Notes on the declaration of consent

With this declaration of consent, I agree to the publication of the media I have marked. The consent is only valid for the purposes stated in the consent. Any further processing and transmission of the recordings or publication in other media requires a separate consent.

A revocation has the effect of removing any recordings published on our websites. No further recordings of the person will be placed or used. A deletion of the recordings from the website or the profiles of social networks can take up to four weeks after receipt of the revocation. In the case of publication of group photos, the later revocation of an individual person does not, in principle, lead to subsequent removal, unless the interests of the person concerned outweigh this in the individual case.

Through publication on the Internet, the photographs can be accessed by anyone worldwide. It is possible for third parties to download the published recordings, store them and use them for unknown purposes - possibly also in connection with other available information - even after this consent has been revoked. Using the archive function of search engines, it is possible to retrieve data even if the information has already been removed or changed from the Internet offerings.

For questions relating to data protection law and to exercise the rights of data subjects in accordance with Chapter III of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO), the data subject can contact the Data Protection Officer at any time: Dresden Institute for Data Protection,, further contact details at Furthermore, data subjects are entitled to a right of appeal to a supervisory authority at any time.

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