futureSAX Start-up Forum II, March 7, 2020,Q-Hub Chemnitz

  1. futureSAX - Innovationsplattform des Freistaates Sachsen
  2. futureSAX Start-up Forum II, March 7, 2020,Q-Hub Chemnitz

futureSAX Start-up Forum II on March 7, 2019 at the Q-Hub Chemnitz

Without the right financing concept, even the best innovative start-up idea has no chance of success. But what makes a sound and successful financial plan? Which investors suit me and my foundation? And on which key aspects do investors attach particular importance? - These and many other questions were discussed at the futureSAX Start-up Forum II "An investor-compatible financing concept".

Without the right financing concept, even the best innovative start-up idea has no chance of success. But what makes a sound and successful financial plan? Which investors suit me and my foundation? And on which key aspects do investors attach particular importance? - These and many other questions were discussed at the futureSAX Start-up Forum II "An investor-compatible financing concept".

Therefore, nearly 60 participants accepted futureSAX's invitation to the Q-Hub in Chemnitz. There, Marina Heimann, managing director of futureSAX GmbH, welcomed them together with Frank Theeg as host of the evening. Marina Heimann took the opportunity to remind those present of the final spurt in the futureSAX competition year. Interested parties can still apply for the Saxon State Awards for Start-ups, Transfer, or Innovations until March 10, 2019!

To the prelude of the contentwise impulses Marion Neumann, foundress Beraterin of the founder network SAXEED, explained then the Do's [&] Don'ts with the production of financing concepts. In an entertaining style, she shared her wealth of experience with the participants by pointing out common mistakes and highlighting the added value of financial planning for the founders themselves.

Sebastian Brüdgam, Corporate Client Advisor Start-ups@Germany from Deutsche Bank, also provided some aha-moments afterwards. He explained financing options and gave helpful sales arguments to the bank. He also shared his expert knowledge on how the bank can be a strategic partner for start-ups. In addition, he showed which risk considerations play an important role in the discussions with the bank.

He was joined by Ivo Harzdorf from the Technology Start-up Fund Saxony. He took his audience with him into the world of thoughts of venture capitalists. - How do investors tick?, was thereby the central question. He surprised one or the other with the revelation that it is not (only) numbers that determine whether or not a young company is taken on. A balanced team composition, management factors such as planning skills and the ability of the founders to realistically assess opportunities and risks are also absolutely crucial.

Afterwards Titus Lindl, managing director with WEGVISOR Business Angels and franc Theeg discussed the chances of a financing by Angelinvestoren. They highlighted the topic from both the founder and the investor perspective. The basis of trust is of great importance for all participants. If both sides come together, then a business angel is not 'only' an investor but also a door opener and cooperation partner.

Finally, Alexander Seedorff, project manager for the founder area at futureSAX, gathered all the experts for a Q[&]A round. The participants of the futureSAX Start-up Forum used the opportunity to get answers to their individual questions. During the subsequent get-together, they also exchanged experience and knowledge about the evening's topic and used the relaxed atmosphere for one or two one-on-one conversations with the speakers. A successful and very informative evening for all present, no matter if founders or investors.

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