ScaDS.AI Training on Data Visualization


ScaDS.AI Training on Data Visualization

24.05.2023 | 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr | Region Leipzig

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig | Humboldtstraße 25 | 04105 Leipzig

In the course, theoretical aspects will be taught together with practical experience in R using the established package ggplot2. Beside the hands-on tutorial, participants will be shown typical problems in data visualization which frequently occur and sometimes even used to mislead data interpretation.

Data is in today’s science and economy perhaps the most important resource. Its representation as graphs and plots is the cornerstone for analysis, communication as well as generation of new hypotheses. In the course, theoretical aspects will be taught together with practical experience in R using the established package ggplot2. Beside the hands-on tutorial, participants will be shown typical problems in data visualization which frequently occur and sometimes even used to mislead data interpretation.

Course Details

Title: Data Visualization

Speakers: Dr. Jan Ewald

Next Session: 24.05.2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Target Group: Anyone regularly working with data with some programming experience.

Number of participants: 15

Language: English

Format: Tutorial, hybrid

Location: Humboldstr. 25, 04105 Leipzig and online via Zoom (Room link will be announced after registration)


Registration is required. Participation is free of charge.


+ Motivation and theoretical basics (30%)

+ Hands-on tutorial with data visualization examples using the R programming language and the ggplot2 package (60%)

+ Dos and Don’ts in data visualization (10%)


+ General interest in data analysis and visualization

+ Some programming experience

+ Programming experience in R and package ggplot2 is helpful, but not mandatory

+ Laptop with internet access – equipment can be provided on site if required (please enquire as numbers are limited)

Learning Outcomes

After the training, participants will have a better understanding of the importance and caveats in data visualization. Further, they will learn how to implement good visualizations with R and ggplot2.

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