10th Workshop “Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”

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  3. 10th Workshop “Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”




10th Workshop “Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”

03.07.2023 – 04.07.2023 | 00:00 - 00:00 Uhr | Region Dresden

Fraunhofer IWS | Winterbergstraße 28 | 01277 Dresden

Lithium-Sulfur-Batteries are envisaged to enable energy storage devices with high specific energy at low material cost. The recent research provides significant progress in terms of materials for active and passive cell components as well as on understanding of mechanisms finally leading to improved Li-S cell performance.

Lithium-Sulfur-Batteries are envisaged to enable energy storage devices with high specific energy at low material cost. The recent research provides significant progress in terms of materials for active and passive cell components as well as on understanding of mechanisms finally leading to improved Li-S cell performance. Variations in cathode materials from elemental sulfur to sulfurized polymers and electrolyte formulations from sparingly solvating to fully solid state concepts lead to further differentiation of several Li-S concepts. Various current investigations focus on transferring innovations into application relevant prototype cells while several companies started to announce their plans for commercialization of their specific Li-S technologies.

Following the tradition and success of the past years, the 10th anniversary of our Lithium-Sulfur Battery Workshop will again bring together an international audience of scientists and industry representatives. Renowned experts will present the latest results, new materials, processes and applications in the field of lithium-sulfur batteries. Plenary lectures by internationally renowned speakers will offer delegates excellent possibilities to get acquainted with the latest developments and research results.

Our general topics:

  • Electrode materials
  • Lithium metal anodes
  • All-solid-state cell concepts
  • Separators and electrolytes
  • Mechanisms
  • Cell design and manufacturing
  • Applications for Li-S batteries

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