Dry Coating Forum: Shaping the future of dry battery electrode processing

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  3. Dry Coating Forum: Shaping the future of dry battery electrode processing




Dry Coating Forum: Shaping the future of dry battery electrode processing

12.09.2023 – 13.09.2023 | 00:00 - 00:00 Uhr | Region Dresden

Fraunhofer IWS | Winterbergstraße 28 | 01277 Dresden

Fraunhofer IWS provides a dedicated platform and launches the Dry Coating Forum. DCF is a forum for material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, cell makers and end users to exchange information about current trends, developments and challenges in the field of dry coating technologies.

The demand for green technologies is increasing immensely. More and more electric vehicles are entering the roads. As a result, the efficient and environmentally friendly production of battery cells is moving to a center stage. Especially during the manufacturing of the battery electrodes, state-of-the-art slurry processes are very space- and energy-consuming and moreover, involve the use of toxic solvents.

Dry battery electrode coating is considered to contribute drastically towards greener and more efficient battery production. Toxic solvents are avoided, the equipment footprint is drastically reduced and energy costs for the intensive drying step are omitted. It is therefore expected that dry battery electrode coating will become the industry standard in the medium term. While there are efforts and developments worldwide that are advancing dry coating, there has not been a forum yet for connecting the different stakeholders in this specific R&D topic.

As one of the leading R&D institutes with many years of dry coating expertise, Fraunhofer IWS now provides a dedicated platform and launches the Dry Coating Forum (DCF). DCF is a forum for material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, cell makers, and end users to exchange information about current trends, developments, and challenges in the field of dry coating technologies.

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