MPS User Days – Microsystems for physiological cell culture

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  3. MPS User Days – Microsystems for physiological cell culture


MPS User Days – Microsystems for physiological cell culture

07.02.2023 | 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr | Region online

Online | Winterbergstraße | 01187 Dresden

Microphysiological systems (MPS) are a high-performance tool for research and development in the field of tissue reconstruction, drug and cytotoxicity studies. Fraunhofer IWS has established a wide range of technical expertise in design, configuration, operation, monitoring and analysis of these systems and has developed its own technology platform for the setup of MPS.

Microphysiological systems (MPS) are a high-performance tool for research and development in the field of tissue reconstruction, drug and cytotoxicity studies. Fraunhofer IWS has established a wide range of technical expertise in design, configuration, operation, monitoring and analysis of these systems and has developed its own technology platform for the setup of MPS. If you are interested in learning more about the functionalities and the manifold applications of our technology, please join our online workshop. Benefit from our expertise and exchange ideas.

What does the workshop include?

The first part of the workshop will provide an overview of basic MPS technologies. We will address topics such as manufacturing of microfluidic devices and solutions to control the micro physiology inside MPS. Also solutions for online monitoring of critical physiological conditions and solutions for data management and integration will be presented.

In the second part, users will have a chance to speak. They report on their experiences with novel MPS applications and share their insights on questions such as:

Which applications can be addressed by MPS?

  • What are their advantages and disadvantages?
  • How can new MPS be implemented in your daily laboratory routine?
  • In line with the "mentoring principle", we would like to offer the online workshop as a framework in which both potential users and experienced users can discuss with each other and benefit from their insights.

The workshop is intended to establish the foundation of a user network that aims at long-term exchange and mutual support in use and further development of MPS.

The workshop addresses the following users and applications:

  • Biologists, biotechnologists, medical experts, material scientists and passionate cell culture users who would like to inform themselves about the manifold possibilities of MPS regarding configuration and fields of application
  • Users of current MPS platforms who are interested in experience reports and would like to exchange ideas and information
  • Engineers and technical experts who are interested in the design, prototyping and scalable manufacturing of Microsystems and MPS

We are looking forward to your participation.

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