ScaDS.AI Training on Excel vs Pandas


ScaDS.AI Training on Excel vs Pandas

30.05.2023 | 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr | Region Leipzig

ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig | Humboldtstraße 25 | 04105 Leipzig

The focus of the Excel vs Pandas training will be on teaching basic skills in using Python and the Pandas package on a continuous business data example, in comparison to the equivalent usage of Excel.

Course Details

Title: Excel vs Pandas

Speakers: Dr. Thomas Burghardt

Next Session: 30.05.2023, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Target Group: Anyone regularly working with Excel for data and an interest in learning about alternative analysis tools from the Python ecosystem.

Number of participants: 15

Language: German

Format: Tutorial, hybrid


Registration is required. Participation is free of charge.


+ Introduction to Data Analysis (10%)

+ Basic language elements of the Pandas package (Dictionary, Series, Dataframe, etc.) with Jupyter Notebook (Python tool for data processing), (30%).

+ Data example Excel: selected research methods with Excel (descriptive statistics, matrix formula, pivot table) on the sales data of an example web store (10%)

+ Data example Pandas: Equivalent data investigation shown with Excel now under usage with Python, Pandas and Jupyter Notebook (30%)

+ Outlook on Pandas and selected methods for advanced users (10%)

+ Summary and discussion (10%)

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