Womenture Female Founders' Evening


Womenture Female Founders' Evening

05.06.2023 | 18:30 - 21:30 Uhr | Region Leipzig

SpinLab Accelerator GmbH | Spinnereistraße 7 / Halle 14 | 04179 Leipzig

Are you ready for an evening with great conversations, networking activities and inspiring success stories of female founders? Let's Woman Up the SpinLab for one evening!

On Monday, 05.06. it's all about you ladies. Together we want to spend a relaxed evening full of stories, exchange and networking.

The Womenture Female Founders' Evening will start at 6.30 pm. in Spinnereistraße 7, Halle 14 at SpinLab.

We are excited to hear your story and look forward to welcoming you to the evening!

This evening is organized by the Womenture Initiative. We are working across countries with the project partners Design Terminal, DEX Innovation Centre, SpinLab and Tehnopol, to boost female entrepreneurship in Europe. Our overall goal is to empower innovation agencies and accelerators to develop and integrate new collaborative services and activities into their initiatives to promote female entrepreneurship in the participating ecosystems.

Have you ever wanted to take part in a founder programme abroad? This evening you will have the chance to talk to our international partners about their valuable programmes for entrepreneurs.

The project is funded by the European Union.


  • 05.06.2023 | 18:30 - 21:30 Uhr | Region Leipzig
  • SpinLab Accelerator GmbH | Spinnereistraße 7 / Halle 14 | 04179 Leipzig

More information about the Womenture project: https://womenture.eu

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